wow shit looks cash man
wow shit looks cash man
Nice. Though 2 pointers:
The body, taille, is just way too narrow. She'd break in two by just 1 hit :P
It also looks kinda stupid in my eyes.
Then her teeth are a bit odd also, you're looking a bit from above and you can clearly see the molar teeth. Bit of a perspective issue.
Still worth 4/5 fo sho
I love the design and style overall. The proportions are a bit off though. The head and foot are just too small.
Defenitely worth my 4/5 stars neverthless :>
This is so wack, I've no clue why I like it so much.
(I have no clue what is going on)
Oh man I wish I had the money to buy one too :C
Your art style is flipping awesome, and hey--biker gurls are hot.
Slapstick -- litteraly.
Lol incredibly well done. Really 9/10 comics you put on here make my day.
Keep up the awesome work!
The other 1/10 were definitely drawn by Chris then.
Joined on 8/9/12